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I miss my mother

After my mother died, I suffered from intense sadness. I still cannot say that time heals. When I think of my mother and her fight against her illness and how we found her, I still get the shivers.

I felt the need to talk about it, but I have the feeling that people around me don't share that need or even avoid me. Maybe they are scared that I get emotional. Sometimes that happens, but not always.

So I cry secretly, alone. This makes me feel relaxed again afterwards.

I feel that I miss her in my whole body. Sometimes I do not know how to manage without her. Other moments I feel good again, because I know that she is proud of me and on how I am doing.

I would like to feel more joy again, but there are so many things that remind me of her.

> 2 years ago

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I recognize so much... I found my mum dead in her bed (after two days) and within 2 years after that I lost my husband. We were married for almost 50 years. I miss them both tremendously and I cry a lot (but only when I am alone)

So the outside world thinks I am doing fine and I manage, but it is not the truth. Now I ask myself, how can I make this last part of my life pleasurable. I am 72 years old!

> 2 years ago

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