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Counsellor/Coach, Bsc Applied Psychology - New Zealand - Linda
Online Holistic Health Coach
New Zealand
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Linda | Counsellor/Coach, Bsc Applied Psychology

Online Holistic Health Coach

My name is Linda, I'm a compassionate and professional practitioner with more than 6 years of experience of helping people to go from where they are now to where they want to be. 

I see children, youth and adults with a wide range of (complex) social issues and use strength-based, therapeutic and practical approaches. 


With children, I incorporate activities like showing video clips, filling out worksheets and playing games as I find this is a very helpful way to make a child comfortable, keep a child engaged and help a child work through issues. 

I am an open, honest, easy-going, and non-judgemental person who understands what is like to struggle with your own mental health. I have overcome different eating disorders and underlying low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. 

It brings me joy to support people to be the best version of themselves. I believe we are all capable of growing and developing at any stage of life and it can be tremendously beneficial to talk with a trained professional when navigating (significant) life challenges. And that’s what I’m here for. 

I will empower you (and your partner/family) to take charge of your health and provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.

I’m there for you every step of the way!

If you feel you would benefit from talking to a trusted person who will allow you to explore how to move forward in a helpful way, it would be my pleasure to offer you a free discovery call get to know you and your goals and decide on the appropriate next steps for your needs.

Find out more & start your journey by scheduling an initial FREE 20-min discovery call.

Look forward to connecting with you,

Online therapy

Online sessions from the comfort of your home. It's for anyone who has limited access to support, time constraints or other obstacles. Online sessions are also very effective for those who are anxious about seeing a professional, see below a snippet from a parent.


“Online coaching has been a lifesaver. We started with camera off, lying on the bed together with me answering questions at first, and then my daughter gradually building up trust to participate. Each session it was decided if the camera was on or off - useful for the days that my daughter just wanted to lie down.” 

Qualifications and registrations

I hold an Applied Psychology degree and I have spent the majority of my career on supporting children, youth and adults in the area of emotional health and well-being.

In 2020/2021, I studied at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Certified Health Coach.
I'm a New Zealand registered Social worker. 

I offer therapy in


You can choose between a package of 8 or 12 sessions depending on where you are at. 

In our free discovery call, we’ll discuss which package option is the best fit for you. 



Children/youth between the age of 5 and 25, I can access partial funding for the first 2-4 sessions.

Low income earners may be eligible for WINZ to cover a significant portion of the counselling fees. 
You do not need to be currently on a WINZ benefit to qualify for the counselling subsidy. WINZ can subsidise up to 40 payments per year at $70.04 each week. Just ask me and request your doctor to complete the WINZ Disability Certificate - Counselling Form. 

Payment plans are available.


If I am working with a child/young person, sometimes it becomes necessary to work with the family around the child/young person and in that case, I can do family therapy or offer separate sessions to parents/caregivers.  

All packages include 24/7 email/text support between sessions for any questions or concerns that come up in between our sessions. 


Reviews Online Holistic Health Coach

Below you will find reviews about Online Holistic Health Coach - Linda

Rating of 5 out of 5
Based on 13 reviews

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Linda’s experience and caring approach helped me feel safe and supported

Working with Linda has really helped me navigate relationships with other girls at school. Linda’s experience and caring approach helped me feel safe and supported in an online environment.
In our sessions, I've gained an understanding of my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to tackle life's challenges with greater confidence and resilience! Once again, thank you for everything!

| Hamilton | 4 Mar 2024
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I feel like I am finally free

I can’t even express how much my sessions with Linda have been life-changing. I have spent way too many years not being happy with my body and feeling guilty when I ate. I feel like I am finally free. Working with Linda felt like talking to a friend. One who knew exactly what you were going through and how to get you to the other side. I just wish I had done this sooner.

| Nelson | 14 Feb 2024
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Thanks, Linda!

I reached out to Linda to get help in overcoming negative thoughts and manage areas of life that had become overwhelming. I found Linda listened to me explain the different areas I found challenging and showed me how to break things down to a manageable level. She gave me strategies that I was able to put into practice as well as how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. By setting little goals, I became aware of / recognise triggers that I learned to interrupt early and avoid it spiralling out of control. This helped me change my mindset and also see things from a different perspective. We also worked on other ways to communicate to understand how to be more effective with both my partner and children. Linda provided various diagrams / tools that helped me understand where I was at and why. The strategies you provided continue to be very useful in my everyday life.
This experience has taught me not to take things so personally, to dedicate some self-care time as well as be kinder to myself.
I found Linda to be extremely thoughtful, empathetic, & caring to my situation, which is what I needed and made it easier to talk / trust her.
I would definitely recommend Linda to anyone that needs help how to manage a life that has become too hard and overwhelming.
Thanks, Linda!

| Auckland | 24 Mar 2023
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Linda really made an immensely positive impact on my life

I wanted help with my depression, and be able to identify and bring myself out of those low points/spirals; any conflicting feelings I had about my relationship with my dad and overcome any guilt that I harboured around it; be a better friend and girlfriend - be more tolerant and understanding instead of getting so caught up on the things that bothered me.

I can identify pretty well when I’m in a low mood spiral from my depression (and not just generally feeling sad) and have strategies that can help lessen their effect.

I can deal with bigger life changes in a much healthier way.

I am far more patient with my friends and family. I can recognize when I’m internalising my worries and letting them manifest badly towards others. Instead of allowing that to happen, I can stop and reflect and figure out what I need to do to move past these worries or make them less impactful.

I can also tell when I’m being kind to myself and when I’m just trying to make excuses and avoid doing something I know I should do/ pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

Counselling has helped me be more open with my close friends about things I’ve always been too afraid to burden them with in the past, and in turn, they can be more open with me about similar things.

As cliché as it sounds I wish I had found Linda sooner because she really made an immensely positive impact on my life, and I am incredibly grateful for her guidance and the effort she puts into making each session valuable!

| Wellington | 14 Jan 2023
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Thank you for helping me so much!

I came to counselling because I wanted to improve my physical health and self-esteem. Linda gave me lots of practical advice about things I could do to address my issues, and always in a gentle, supportive judgement-free way. I always felt comfortable talking about difficult emotions I was having and knew I would get useful information to help change my thought patterns and behaviours to healthier ones. 

I am now much kinder to myself which feels so much better. I like myself much more than I did before, and I don’t have negative self-talk as much. I have healthier eating habits and a more positive relationship with my body and with exercise. I feel well-equipped to continue working on these issues independently and I know I can contact Linda any time if that changes. Thank you for helping me so much!

| Napier | 11 Apr 2023
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A positive change for me

I came to counselling after a family member expressed concern for my mental well-being. At the time, I didn't fully recognize the extent of my struggles, but deep down, I knew I wanted to be a happier person. Through counselling, I've become more aware of my regressive behaviour and the root causes behind it. Additionally, I've learned effective strategies for shifting negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones, which has led to positive behavior changes. I've also developed the ability to avoid dwelling on negative thoughts, which has been a positive change for me. This experience has shown me that sometimes we may not fully recognize our own mental state and the help that we need.

| Christchurch | 3 Apr 2023
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My daughter has gained a lot from the sessions

I sought help for my 14-year-old daughter S. because she felt often sad, lonely and lacked self-confidence. 

Linda took her time to really get to know my daughter well. Linda had a lot of empathy and took her issues seriously. Linda spoke openly about having gone through similar issues as a teen which was very very helpful. 

My daughter was not keen on starting therapy but Linda was able to keep her interested and engaged for 3 months.

My daughter has gained a lot from the sessions. She is a lot more open to her (new) friendships. She now has the tools to approach new people and be less shy. She is much happier and has gained a lot of self-confidence!

Many thanks for your help!

| Auckland | 15 Feb 2023
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I would recommend your service

I decided to seek outside help because I was struggling with a few issues and needed help to process them.

You were very personable and easy to talk to. You encouraged me to explore different positive narratives to tell myself. You suggested some helpful strategies and ideas without being too pushy. You also listened really well.

I would recommend your service and I already have! I said that I found you to be really easy to speak with. Also, you helped me to be more confident in my own abilities and skills, and to be kinder to myself.

| Auckland | 29 Mar 2022
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I can absolutely recommend Linda

My 10-year-old son and I have been working with Linda since June 2021 and I have nothing but praise for her experience, approach and commitment to supporting his understanding of himself and his personal growth.

We had quite recently arrived in NZ after almost 12 months in lockdown in the UK and the pressures of that coupled with international relocation, loss of friends and trying to fit into a new school had all become too much for my son. We were referred to Linda through the school's Mana Ake programme.

His weekly sessions with Linda have become fundamental to his personal confidence and have helped him find creative and effective ways to achieve and sustain calm and work through the issues that challenge him. In working with Linda, he has begun to understand and like himself better, realising that he may be different to other kids and deal with things differently but that doesn't make his way wrong.

Linda's patience, acceptance and close relationship with my son has been the foundation of this for him and her hints, tips and toolkit of activities has also helped me to help him and to support and sustain the good work they do together.

I can absolutely recommend Linda and her work to support tamariki and their whānau to meet the many challenges we all face now properly equipped, prepared and supported.

| Christchurch | 10 Jan 2022
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Linda is calm, caring and genuine!

I contacted Linda when I was at the lowest I’ve ever felt in my life and no matter what I did to try to change that on my own nothing was working. I really needed help to improve to feel a lot better.

Linda is calm, caring and genuine! Her strategies work and really changed my life! I’m forever thankful she’s helped me change this. I’m so glad that I had the therapy with her because it’s really helped me feel stronger and back to feeling like myself.


I would definitely recommend Linda and I would use her services again!

| Auckland | 15 Jun 2022
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You definitely helped us both

I reached out to Linda because I wanted to work on my daughter’s big emotional outbursts, anxiety and sleep habits.

Lola and I loved having our sessions with Linda and you definitely helped us both! You have given us some great understanding and tools on how to move forward.

Linda built such a great relationship with my daughter and myself. It usually takes a long time for L. to open up and show her vulnerable side so easily and you got to show that very quickly.

You knew what to focus on and what the underlying issues are.

You listened to what I had to say with my opinion on her behaviour and I never felt judged in my parenting or made to feel stupid.

You had a genuine warmth and friendship with L. which was so lovely.

L. was sad to finish our sessions with you, even though she found the sessions challenging.

You always followed up with the session notes and an email checking in with us!

| Nelson | 10 Jun 2022
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I feel it is a miracle

Your help with connecting with my inner child has allowed me to re-imagine my emotional attachments.

I feel it is a miracle to have forgiven myself for the past habits, and each day I make the choice to keep going. I have never experienced this level of commitment to myself before.

Thank you Linda for your time and energy on my journey!

| Wellington | 23 May 2022
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Linda made me feel listened to and cared about

I wanted to do counselling with Linda because I was hoping to learn more about how I can be a better parent to my children. I wanted to learn why I was dealing with an unexpected difficult situation with my daughter.

I find Linda approachable, attentive and caring without judging. I liked how Linda counselled me and I felt comfortable even though I was terrified to start with.

I liked how Linda listened to me intently and actually helped me articulate what I needed to say. Linda was warm and sincere. She brought me back to the subject when I rambled on about other things. Linda made me feel comfortable talking about the issues I had. 

I’ve learned to be myself while framing my words in a different way. I am now finding compromises between the way I speak to people and the way they perceive what I say. I am able to leave the past behind and focus on what I can change. I am able to give my girls space to live their lives and to stop criticising what they do, it's their life. I am now better at setting boundaries for myself and communicating this to others in a positive way.

I would get in touch with Linda again without hesitation if I needed to. I’ve been to other counsellors before who left me cold and not wanting to return but Linda made me feel listened to and cared about.

| Christchurch | 25 Jul 2022
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