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Counsellor/Coach, Bsc Applied Psychology - Christchurch - Linda
Online Holistic Health Coach Christchurch

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Linda | Counsellor/Coach, Bsc Applied Psychology

Online Holistic Health Coach Christchurch

Are you struggling with body image challenges, disordered eating/eating disorders or emotional eating?
Are you looking for therapy and coaching?

I'm Linda, a Dutch qualified Applied Psychologist and Holistic Health coach with a special interest in eating and body image difficulties.

  • Are you ready to rebuild your relationship with your body and food?
  • Do you want to overcome the out-of-control and shameful feelings around food?
  • Are you so over hating your body and obsession about your weight?

I get you, because I was you! I know what it feels like to be obsessing over food, to never feel like you’re good enough and to let that fixation take control over your life.

Deep down you know that there’s so much more to life than obsessing over food and your body, but it’s just so hard to get out of it by yourself. And that’s what I’m here for. 

It is my mission to help people ditch diet culture and food guilt & heal their food, body and exercise relationship.

Is this you now?

  • You think constantly about and plan what you eat
  • You do not feel in control around (particular) food
  • You’ve tried almost every kind of diet and none have ‘worked’
  • You feel uncomfortable in your own skin
  • You tell yourself that once your body changes, you will be happier
  • You are overwhelmed by negative self-talk and anxiety
  • You want to stop thinking about food all the time but you don’t know how

And is this what you desire? 

  • Eating ‘normally’ without dieting and with total self-trust around all food
  • No longer obsessed with food and weight loss – able to focus on bigger, better things in life
  • Feeling comfortable, confident, and at home in your body – no matter what it looks like
  • Feeling confident and happy again

About me

My name is Linda and I am originally from the Netherlands and I live with my partner from the UK in New Zealand.

I hold an Applied Psychology degree and I have spent the majority of my career on supporting children, youth and adults in the area of emotional health and well-being.

In 2020/2021, I studied at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Certified Health Coach and decided to turn my own 5+ years- mess into a message for others struggling. I want to help others to overcome their body and food struggles and so my business was born.

I love self- development, travelling, mountain biking, full-body workouts, Yin Yoga, tennis and sharing my humour! 

What will you achieve from my help?

  • Be able to eat foods with moderation, without restricting, binging or emotional eating
  • Silence your inner mean voice and respect and love yourself again
  • No more stress or guilt around food
  • Moving your body because it feels good, not because you have to
  • Believe that your body is good exactly as it is in the here and now
  • Get out of the all-or-nothing thinking trap

We will do this by focusing on the emotional factors behind your habits and together work on building a healthier mindset and lifestyle.

Our conversations will go beyond food, seeking to bring balance to important elements of your life such as relationships, career, and  movement.

I will empower you to take charge of your health and provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.

I’m there for you every step of the way!

Find out more & start your journey by scheduling an initial FREE 20-min discovery call.

Look forward to connecting with you,


Online therapy

Online sessions from the comfort of your home. It's for anyone who has limited access to support, time constraints or other obstacles. Online sessions are also very effective for those who are anxious about seeing a professional. 


Qualifications and registrations

I hold an Applied Psychology degree and I have spent the majority of my career on supporting children, youth and adults in the area of emotional health and well-being.

In 2020/2021, I studied at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Certified Health Coach.

I offer therapy in


  • Body image
  • Eating disorders
  • Disordered eating
  • Emotional eating
  • Binge eating
  • Over-exercising
  • (Chronic) dieting
  • Intuitive eating coaching
  • Food freedom


You can choose between a package of 8 or 12 sessions depending on where you are at. Be aware that your unhelpful relationship with your body and food including limiting beliefs didn’t appear overnight, so it will take some time to reprogram them.

In our free discovery call, we’ll discuss which package option is the best fit for you. 



Children/youth between the age of 5 and 25, I can access partial funding for the first 2-4 sessions.

Low income earners may be eligible for WINZ to cover a significant portion of the counselling fees. 
You do not need to be currently on a WINZ benefit to qualify for the counselling subsidy. WINZ can subsidise up to 40 payments per year at $70.04 each week. Just ask me and request your doctor to complete the WINZ Disability Certificate - Counselling Form. 

Payment plans are available.



All packages include 24/7 email/text support between sessions for any questions or concerns that come up in between our sessions. 



Reviews Online Holistic Health Coach Christchurch

Below you will find reviews about Online Holistic Health Coach Christchurch - Linda

Rating of 5 out of 5
Based on 10 reviews

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I feel like I am finally free

I can’t even express how much my sessions with Linda have been life-changing. I have spent way too many years not being happy with my body and feeling guilty when I ate. I feel like I am finally free. Working with Linda felt like talking to a friend. One who knew exactly what you were going through and how to get you to the other side. I just wish I had done this sooner.

| Nelson | 14 Feb 2024
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Linda has been amazing helping my daughter

Linda has been amazing helping Ashleigh through their regular talks and it helps because Linda can relate to how she feels and the journey she is going through.
We both feel Linda has been such a help and given her some good techniques to guide her through and start to gain her old life back again.

I have been so grateful to Linda. I think she makes such a positive influence in others' lives and I honestly didn't know how I was going to get through this with my daughter so having Linda for Ashleigh to talk with was a true blessing.

| Christchurch | 14 Feb 2024
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I loved the strategies we worked together to create

I reached out to Linda because I was struggling with emotional and binge eating. I had a lot of significant life changes, such as moving out of home, moving to a new city, and starting a new job. The struggles I had with my eating for a long time became very prevalent among all these big life changes, and I no longer could deal with them myself; I needed support.
The main positive change I have noticed is in my mental health and attitude towards my body. Being stripped back to the basics to learn healthy and sustainable habits and allowing myself freedom from food rules has been the largest positive change. Learning to love myself and my body, and realizing that my self-worth isn't determined by how healthy I eat or how much exercise I do, has been the most wonderful gift I could have given myself for my mental health.
I loved the strategies we worked together to create. As someone who had done quite a lot of research into binge and emotional eating and had tried strategies at home already, I found working with Linda far more successful. Linda was open to the strategies I had tried and was able to rework them in a way that had a more positive effect.
I feel like we unpacked areas of myself and my influences that I wasn't aware of. For example, you helped me realize that I don't process my emotions, and that, to me, was a huge eye-opener in how I tick. That realization has helped me move forward massively.
I won't forget any of the vital lessons and recommendations - I will continue to practice and keep them as a part of my life.
Yes! It is hard to put into words the feeling that comes from opening up about what I was going through for a long time and never talking about it. With your service, talking to someone who had experienced the same things firsthand was hugely beneficial. Feeling understood and empathized with was massive for me. As I said above, I tried to help myself a lot with many strategies and intuitive eating practice before using your services. And although we worked on strategies within your service, at the end of the day, having someone tell me that when I have a bad day, it's actually okay, and that I am allowed to forgive myself, was so important for me!

| Nelson | 27 May 2023
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Working with Linda has changed my life

I took me a very long to accept I had an eating disorder and take the plunge to start having sessions with a therapist. I chose Linda due to her experience and qualifications on paper. It is fair to say I had no regrets. After the first session, I felt instantly at ease and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Working with Linda has changed my life. Something that I never thought possible has been made possible due to the support and work Linda has done with me over the last 10 months. The way she structured the sessions has been brilliant. I always leave feeling good but also find myself reflecting on the session content for the rest of the week leading into the next session. I wanted to take control of my life and be more present with my wife and two young daughters and again, that is now happening. I owe an enormous amount to Linda and urge anyone that is debating whether to seek support to look no further than Linda.

| - | 18 Aug 2023
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She is passionate about what she teaches

I came to coaching to improve my relationship with food and my body. I was super insecure and didn’t feel genuine joy in my life. The idea of having to eat constantly overwhelmed my mind and I was wanting to gain full food freedom and to be able to love myself. Since starting, there has been a huge shift in the way that I view myself and how I treat myself. I no longer feel the need to starve myself to make myself feel good or to think that I’ll look better. I have found too that the joy I was missing in my life has come back and I’m excited to go into each day. My mind isn’t filled with constant negative thoughts, and if one does pop into my head, I now have the tools to be able to deal with it.
Linda never made me feel ashamed of what I have been through and she always validated my feelings. Linda is understanding and compassionate. She is passionate about what she teaches and she shows that she truly cares. She is always an email away and tries to comfort others as much as she can. Once again, thanks so much!

| 19 Jun 2023
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Linda has helped us to think differently

My husband and I came to counselling because we wanted to understand more about choosing healthier options, recognise the negative impact of society on our body image and to rewire our brains around better choices with kai.

We loved that Linda allowed us to create our journey of what we needed to be supported with and we appreciated that she’s cultural sensitive! 

Linda has helped us to think differently and enabled us to be more accepting of what we look like and how we view our relationship with food and our body. We now accept ourselves from the in- and outside and realise that happiness is greater than anything!

| Christchurch | 6 Jul 2022
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Working with Linda was truly a life changer!

Since the age of 13 I have been aware of my changing body, weight, size, and how it looks. Over 20 years I have spent thinking about food, counting calories being on various diets and trying to change the way my body looks. To no avail. I was never happy no matter how big or small I was.

I was so sick of having my life literally revolve around food. Every thought was constantly consumed by food, how many calories I was eating and then subsequently burning through exercise, what I “should” be eating and avoiding (really, the list could go on forever).

Linda helped me through a process of being so fearful of all foods to being able to genuinely enjoy everything. Linda helped me feel more comfortable with who I was. That I am not what I eat, that food isn’t just for nourishment, but also something you can use to connect with people et cetera. I had always thought that food had no real purpose.

I also learnt that there are NO rules around food. I am now free with food with no judgement and total trust in my body. I now know that I am more than my weight. My body will go through changes, but the type of person I am will stay with me forever.

This work I was doing for myself will help my children in the future. I can also teach them how to listen to their bodies and nourish them. Working with Linda was truly a life changer!

| Christchurch | 21 Feb 2022
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Great support

Talking to Linda is like chatting to a friend and our conversations are relaxed and without judgement.

Linda has helped me to understand why I sometimes turn to food for comfort and now that I have that awareness, I can make different choices.

The process has been really freeing for me. It is a great feeling to have no restrictions on the types of food I eat. I now eat delicious food at nearly every meal (but sometimes life gets in the way!).

I have been getting mentally stronger around food and the way I see myself. My self-talk is much kinder than it used to be as I no longer berate myself for my food choices. I have also noticed that I have more energy all throughout the day and generally feel much happier.

I have changed my reason for exercising too, it is now for the way it makes me feel instead of burning calories. I love it so much more!

This isn’t a quick fix. There is still work to be done to undo the 35 years of mental and physical damage that diet culture has instilled, but I know that I have great support in Linda.

| Christchurch | 10 Jan 2022
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It has been transformative in my life

The coaching sessions with Linda has honestly been transformative in my life.


Linda has helped me accept how I am right now rather than feeling like I have to lose weight. I’m now able to go days without thinking negatively about my body, rather than thinking about it and feeling upset 24/7.


I now feel freedom around food and exercise. I understand that I do not have to force myself to exercise which has brought back my motivation and my enjoyment.


I now focus on exercise for how I feel, rather than trying to change how I look.

| Dunedin | 13 Oct 2021
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I have learned so much about myself

I have found working with Linda really valuable, I have learned so much about myself!

She really understands what it's like to struggle with food and body image. I have a completely new perspective on life.

| 9 Jun 2021
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