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Stressed when somebody wants something

I always feel stressed when somebody wants something from me.
In my last job, I could get stress sometimes from the amount of work that I had to do, was always still waiting to be done.

By now I mainly get stressed when I have the feeling that somebody wants something from me. That can be people I don't know, but also friends or my partner. When I have the feeling somebody wants something from me (for example go some place), then I feel stress.

Partially that is because I feel responsible for somebody else's happiness. So, that the other is happy (so when I meet somebody that he or she is having a good time)

And I don't like so much (self imposed) pressure. :-)

> 2 years ago

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A part of that I recognize.
Especially in my former job. There was always a lot of work waiting for me to be done.

And I also have it at my parents. There I feel an enormous pressure to adjust. I also don't like (self imposed) pressure that much. :-)

> 2 years ago

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