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My husband is depressed

My husband is depressed and for me as his partner this is not easy. I take care of our house, our children and our social life for as much that is still there.

Everybody says I should continue with my life. I do that as much as possible and it goes fine.

It's just... at home life doesn't go on. When I come home after a nice evening out, then my depressed husband is there. I cannot expect anything from him. He cannot be happy about anything and only has remarks.

I feel angry, sad and very lonely. I often hear I cannot expect anything from him as long as he is depressed. But is this ever going to get better, or is it better for me to leave?

> 2 years ago

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Hello, I feel very sorry for you, I know all about it, I'm in the same situation.

It is difficult I am already 4 years every night alone never laughter on holidays just sleeping or negativity and sometimes I cannot handle it anymore.

I hope you have kids that can give some distraction. We are just with the two of us. I am a fighter and cannot get it how somebody can let himself go like that and live like that.

Sweet greetings Carin

> 2 years ago

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