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Lost my best friend last year

Last year I lost my best friend after she was sick for a long time. With her death, a 24-year friendship ended. I miss her immensely and have a hard time dealing with it.

SO many moments like this or that I would like to tell her, and when I look at her picture, it seems so familiar, but she is just not there anymore.

The first months after her death, I was just angry, missed her, and it was hard to share my sorrow. Now I can do that a little bit. I also got a therapist that knows me well and I can talk to him. That makes it easier.

But I also notice that many moments the sadness still overwhelms me. It;s then like for others the world just goes on and for me it seems to stop. As like others don't take time anymore to ask me how I am doing and how it is for me that she died.

My friend was really more like a sister to me, we were so close. I miss her so much..

> 2 years ago

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