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I miss him terribly

A year ago, my husband, after 52 years of marriage, has died.

I miss him terribly and it seems like the loss is getting bigger and bigger. In the beginning it is like you are lived and there is so much to arrange that you don't really get it yet. But now the realization that he will NEVER come back is sometimes so big that it just hurts!

A part of yourself is gone! And still we have to go on, this is what he also said and wanted, but it is so hard.

Good to write down how I feel here and maybe there will be a reply.

Best rgds.

> 2 years ago

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I lost my husband in august 2016, after years of fighting dementia and Parkinsons. 4 months more and we would have been married for 50 years. Your story could have been mine.

The outside world things you do fine, but the loss and the pain never grows on you. The triggers that you think he might just walk in are countless. Everything reminds me of him and the loss feels bigger and bigger.

I wish you strength and I wish this also still for myself

> 2 years ago

What a story... you can tell that the loss is very big for you, we actually never miss somebody who is dear to us.

I lost my dear wife myself two years ago, she was only 52 years old. Death at such an early age is so hard to understand! To ask why is not so useful.

But I realize we are still alive and that life, also after a great loss, is still worth living. Try to be proud about the way you have dealt with a misfortune like this, to call it like that. Lots of strength.

> 2 years ago

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