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I long for someone to talk to

It's weird to write about loneliness. I don't think many people expect me to be or feel lonely. I got a job, friends, family and I could hang around with people if I wanted to.

But still... the other day I was in bed and I thought what is the use of having thoughts if I cannot share them with anybody? That made me feel sad. And I realize I feel lonely. I don't have a relationship. I go to bed alone everyday and I get up alone everyday.

It gets harder to end the day alone. But to make contact with someone before going to sleep is also strange. I called sometimes with one of those phone numbers you can call when you need someone to talk to. That was nice, but also weird. Why do I do that, I am in my twenties! I judge myself for that. Also that I cannot share with anybody, that's painful. I would like someone to talk to in my surrounding.

> 2 years ago

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