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I feel very lonely

I feel very lonely. I thought I had a nice friends.. going out, have a drink etc and then my mother died and I got depressed.

I am 36 and I don't have a family so in one go everything was gone.. and also my friends that suddenly did not feel like being with a sad person like me.

It's hard for me to make connections in general I'm insecure and also shy. I don't feel comfortable going out alone.. I am in therapy, but I don't have the feeling that's really doing a lot...

Hopefully this too will pass, but it's not easy....

> 2 years ago

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Hey! I'm sorry to hear that! I can advice you to look for another psycho therapist that can support you. It is important that you feel well with your therapist and that you feel heard.
Good luck!

> 2 years ago

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