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I am afraid to drive a car

I am afraid to drive a car. When I drive, I often get ill. I think I am going to faint or worse and that I will lose control over the car and create a heavy accident.

When I have to drive the kids it is even worse, because I will bring them in danger too. A couple of times I really did not feel well and I had to pull over because I started to get dizzy.

Now I do not dare to drive anymore, only small distances. When I know that I have to drive a longer distance I start to feel tensed already days before. On the internet I read about panic attacks. I think I will have to find some kind of support for that.

> 2 years ago
last response: 06-06-2022

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Really sorry to hear about the fear that gets in you way and the aweful scary thoughts that go with it.

I am also sorry to hear about how it limits and restricts your life, your relationships and your health.

These fears and worries are very often n no way related to the quality and skill of you driving - which means that they are trigerred in your mind and while the fear is real, the cause of the fear is not logical or rational.

If you know a well qualified and experienced hypnotherapist living in your town or city it will be well worth your while going to have a chat.
I am happy to help if you have any questions.


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