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Every now and then I feel lonely

Every now and then I feel lonely. I have a couple of good friends, but otherwise not so many social connections. On one side I am fine with that, because I also like to be alone on my own.

On the other side I would also like to have more good friends. But I notice I don't put any energy in that. I meet enough people that could become closer friends, but often I don't feel like putting energy in that. Apparently I don't feel lonely enough yet :-)

> 2 years ago
last response: 04-05-2023

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Or maybe you just like to be on your own? Aloneness and lonelyness are two very different things. It's often a challenge to relax into aloneness, it's not so common, but it's a beautiful feeling. Just make sure not to disconnect yourself in your mind from other people. Stay open. Why be different?


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