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Adapt with family and stress

I always adapt to my family and this results in stress for me.

Because I live abroad, I see my parents only once or twice a year, but when we see each other it is for some weeks which is very intense because I stay in their house.

And then I (and everybody in the house) falls back into old family-patterns. One of those is that I always adapt to everything and everyone.

I feel the expectations of my parents that they want me to behave in a certain way. And I fall back to my pattern from the past and fulfill that expectation. This creates a lot of stress.

Anybody recognizes this?

> 2 years ago

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I'm sorry to hear that.
I recognize it a little bit in the connection with my parents.

What helps me is to create enough space for myself, and also - if I manage - to just am who I am now. So don't adjust yo how I used to be, or how my parents think I am. I'd like to be myself.

I don't always manage to do that, but I'm happy to say more and more often. And because I behave different now, I notice the interaction with my parents changes. We don't always go into the same patterns. At least I try to stay out because it doesn't make me happy.

> 2 years ago

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